Here’s the truth: your business needs a Social Media presence. 

It doesn’t matter if you run a small shop or a big national company. Behind every great brand stands valuable and relevant content.

It not only helps you connect with your audience, but you can also increase awareness about your brand, establish a stronger digital presence and become more recognizable.

Social Media Specialist

Used by over 1,000+ happy customers

Service tiers

  • Social Media Specialist Light

    • 3 Posts Per Week

    • Upgrade, Downgrade, Cancel Anytime.

    • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

    • *Price Per Month, Per Business

  • Social Media Specialist Standard

    • 4 Posts and 1 Video Per Week

    • Upgrade, Downgrade, Cancel Anytime

    • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

    • *Price Per Month, Per Business

  • Social Media Specialist Plus

    • 4 Posts (1 Add-on) and 1 Video Per Week

    • Upgrade, Downgrade, Cancel Anytime

    • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

    • *Price Per Month, Per Business

How it works

Here is what to expect:

Tell Us About Your Business

Step #1

Choose the service type and get started. Once you've made a purchase, we will send you an intake form with several questions about your business and your goals.

Meet Your Designated Bee

Step #2

After you fill in the intake form, you get introduced to your designated Social Media Specialist. They will be the ones in charge of delivering your content and making sure that it fits your needs.

Website and Socials Analysis

Step #3

This is when we have a look at the answers provided in the intake form and examine your digital presence. Then, based on it we will start crafting the Client Brief.

Content Onboarding Client Brief

Step #4

We'll work on crafting the best content marketing strategy and pulling together all the information we need to start creating content for you.

The content

Step #5

The posts will incorporate different content ideas – promotional, curated, branded quotes, timely events, behind the scenes, educational. All based on your particular needs and branding guidelines.

Sit Back and Relax

Step #6

Weekly (or biweekly for SMS Light) you'll receive new content from you designated bee. We want our content to reflect your vision. So we're responsive to feedback and open to editing the posts we create for you.

Introducing the Content Calendar Add-On, your roadmap for success.

It helps us plan, organize, and schedule social media content strategically.

By aligning with your marketing strategies, we can achieve your goals easier.

Social Media Specialist Light

  • $129/month

  • Yes

  • Every 2 Weeks

  • 3 Posts

  • 5 Working Days

  • 3 Edits

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • No

  • No

  • Available as an add-on for $99/month.

  • Available as an add-on for $99/month.

    Ad-spent is not included.

  • Available as an add-on for $99/month.

  • Available as an add-on for $99/month.

  • NO

  • Yes

  • No. Upgrade is recommended.

Social Media Specialist Standard

  • $199/month

  • Yes

  • Weekly

  • 4 Posts

  • 1 Video

  • 3 Working Days

  • 4 Edits

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • YES

  • NO

  • No

  • Available as an add-on for $99/month.

  • Available as an add-on for $99/month.

    Ad-spent is not included.

  • Available as an add-on for $99/month.

  • Available as an add-on for $99/month.

  • Available as an add-on for $99/month.

  • Yes

  • No.

Social Media Specialist Plus

  • $299/month

  • Yes

  • Weekly

  • 4 Posts (Add-Ons Included)

  • 1 Video

  • 2 Working Days

  • 5 Edits

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Can be chosen as one of the options available from the add ons.

  • Can be chosen as one of the options available from the add ons.

    Ad-spent is not included.

  • Can be chosen as one of the options available from the add ons.

  • Can be chosen as one of the options available from the add ons.

  • Can be chosen as one of the options available from the add ons.

  • Yes

  • Yes

Michael Melen – SmartSites

“We use ConciergeBee as our go-to partner for our clients’ social media needs -- specifically their concierge services. All of the clients we referred have been very happy. And I’m happy that our clients have a quality and affordable service when it comes to their social media activity.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Per Business mean?

It means that we can add the same content across all the different social profiles that you have for that specific business (and make small changes to accommodate each social network as indicated for each SMS in the table above).

So if you have a Twitter profile, Facebook page, and LinkedIn profile for Company A, plus your personal LinkedIn profile, and you want to publish the same content (maybe with small tweaks) on all of them, we can do so at no extra cost.

But in case you also have Company B and would want different content created & shared on its socials, you would need to purchase an additional concierge service.

Basically, if it’s for the same “brand” and you can use the content on all of those profiles, you don’t need to pay extra. If we have to create different content for each of them, then it’s extra for each.

Is this done by bots or humans?

This Concierge Service is done by our own team of Social Media specialists (or social media bees, as we like to call them). No bots involved. See some of them (we’re constantly growing) on our about page.

How long does it take from the time I pay until it’s all running?

The Intake Form is sent automatically after you buy the service and then, it all depends on how quickly you fill out the intake form. Once we have your intake form, the Client Brief usually takes us a maximum of 7 working days to craft and deliver.

Also, it depends on the complexity of your account and if we have follow-up questions or not.

So, all in all, the entire onboarding process usually takes a couple of workdays from pay to yey!

What’s considered an edit?

Changing a few details in a visual or copy by providing explanations & guidelines.

What is the Content Calendar Add-On?

While it is available as an add-on as part of your Social Media Specialist Plus service, you can also purchase it individually, to pair it with your Social Media Specialist Light or Standard service.

Using a content calendar, we can plan ahead, brainstorm creative ideas, and create content in batches. This means a consistent posting schedule and less worries for you.

Make sure to ask your bee about this add-on.

What happens if I need edits for posts that are older than 1 week?

Depending on how many edits are needed, they will be subtracted from the next week’s batch of edits/posts.

My Brief is outdated, what can I do?

Our bees do their best to keep your Brief updated on a weekly basis, but if major changes are needed, let us know, and instead of receiving a new round of content, we can revamp your brief.

What’s the intake form?

The intake form is a small form that we ask our Concierge customers to fill out, so we can provide the best services. Shortly after you become a customer, we’ll email you the link to each relevant intake form.

Depending on the service you have, the form will differ, but the main idea is for us to better understand your business and your needs.

What type of content do you create?

Based on our research and the info you provided in the intake form, we generate content that fits different categories: Promotional, Your Blog Posts, Curated Content, Timely events, Memes, Inspirational, Engaging Questions, Fun, and more.

With the Social Media Specialist, we take a holistic view of your account and generate all the needed types of content, as per our defined strategy.

If you want all your content refreshed on a regular basis, the Social Media Specialist is the right choice for you.

Is this generic “industry” content, or is this only for me?

You’re unique and we treat you as such. The strategy and content are 100% tailored to your needs based on your existing content (mostly your website and other materials you can share) and your responses in the intake form.

How do you generate the content?

We use your existing content (website, brochures, etc), our own creativity, social media best practices, a variety of tools – free, paid, and internal, plus multiple internal trainings and procedures to generate the best content for your business.

Can I do this myself?

How much time will it take you to get things right and how will this lack of focus affect your core business activities? Or how long would it take you to recruit, and train somebody else for this? Then what will you do when they go on holiday, are sick, or decide to quit? You’ll have to start that process all over again.

The business of business is business. Let us take care of your social media so you can focus on the rest. It will cost you less than your time’s worth. Besides, we really know how to create great content 😉

What don’t you do as part of the service?

Reply to your audience (community management) – we do this through our IG Community Management service.


Book a 1-on-1 Call with a Specialist!

Not sure what service to get? Schedule a free call to see how our Concierge Services can help you grow.